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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

No Bake Gingerbread houses

My quick wrapping.... no bake Gingerbread houses.  Paper bag, paint, hole punch, and, ribbon.

Done.  (except I found myself making more houses than I needed.... because - well - painting them was fun)

hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a safe New Year - Nicole

Monday, November 30, 2015

Inhale Love Exhale Gratitude

I always print my pictures - when I use my midori I have two systems I like to put my photos into.  One is the inhale love and exhale gratitude, which is a mini journal on the left and pictures on the right.  Since I don't really journal much the few lines there work well for me, and I can do this!!!  I write a note or two each day - then insert a photo into my psd file and print at the end of the week

My other favorite insert uses pockets.  That one I really do enjoy using - its amazing how many photos you can get in there, and of course I don't really have to say anything.

Thanks for dropping by.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Traveler insert - Midori notebooks

These three inserts are just beautiful to look at let alone use!!  One insert - year undated, one insert - blank, one insert - page of lines, and, a double sided dashboard << a dashboard is a folder that fits around any insert - or can be added to the midori alone>>.  Will fit the Midori traveler notebooks.  See them at:

 Set of three
Dashboard included
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